Un porte-bonheur à bout de doigts, qui n'en rêverait pas ? Mutation considérée comme rare, chaque foliole est sensée posséder sa propre signification, en plus de l'espoir, de la foi et de l'amour, la quatrième est gage de chance. C'est avec cette magnifique et on ne peut plus adorable bague que mon copain m'a gâté pour les fêtes. ^^
J'ai fait des efforts cette fois-ci, une touche de couleur. Bordeaux de la tête aux pieds. Rouge à lèvres, vernis et chaussures accordées. J'ai craqué sur ce pull avant-gardiste, bi-facettes de la mini collection Black&White, l'avant est rayé noir blanc (forcément) verticalement, et ce bien que la tendance rayures ne se retrouve que sur les défilés printemps été de l'année prochaine (mais disons que ça compte tout de même puisque mardi on est déjà en 2013). L'arrière du pull est quant à lui noir moucheté de blanc. Deux vêtements en un en somme.
En parlant de 2013, de bonnes résolutions (mode) à me dévoiler ?
Luck right on your finger. Considered rare mutation, each leaflet is supposed to have its own meaning, hope, faith and love, the fourth is sign of luck. It is with this beautiful and most lovely ring that my boyfriend has spoiled me for Christmas.
I made an effort this time, and added a touch of color to this look. Burgundy from head to toe. Lipstick, nails and shoes match. I fell in love with this avant-garde sweater, bi-faceted from the mini Black and White collection , the front is striped in black and white (obviously) vertically, and although stripes are only seen on the catwalks of next years spring summer garments (let's say it counts anyway since Tuesday we are already in 2013). The back of the sweater is black flecked with white. Two garments in one.
Speaking of 2013, any good (fashion) resolutions to reveal?
I made an effort this time, and added a touch of color to this look. Burgundy from head to toe. Lipstick, nails and shoes match. I fell in love with this avant-garde sweater, bi-faceted from the mini Black and White collection , the front is striped in black and white (obviously) vertically, and although stripes are only seen on the catwalks of next years spring summer garments (let's say it counts anyway since Tuesday we are already in 2013). The back of the sweater is black flecked with white. Two garments in one.
Speaking of 2013, any good (fashion) resolutions to reveal?
Stripped sweater : Zara B&W collection
Flower pattern skirt : Zara
Four leaves clover ring: Thomas Sabo
Sweet Diamonds
Nailpolish : "I'm not really a waitress" by OPI
Lipstick : "La sensuelle" Rouge Allure Velvet Chanel
Burgundy booties : Cube
Pictures : Adi ^^